Wood purchasing

Our log purchasing process starts with conscientious planning. Regardless of whether mill gate, roadside or contract harvesting, preserving the natural resource wood and using it in a sustainable manner are our top priority. State of the art communication technology and equipment allow us to work in a targeted and effective manner.

Our processes are automated right from the start. Logs are sorted by wood type, length, diameter and quality. We normally harvest Spruce, Pine, Douglas fir and Larch.


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Alle heim. Nadelbaumarten

Von Fichte über Kiefer und Lärche bis zur Douglasie und Tanne

Alle heim. Nadelbaumarten

Fichte, Kiefer, Lärche bis zur Douglasie und Tanne

Standardmäßig werden Fichte, Kiefer und Lärche eingeschnitten. Waren vor Jahren Douglasien- und Tannenholz noch eine Rarität, nimmt deren Anteil an unserer Verarbeitung jedes Jahr zu.

Alle Qualitäten

Von B und C zu D - wir haben die optimale stoffliche Verwendung

Alle Qualitäten

Optimale Endprodukte für alle Rundholzqualitäten

ante ist in der Lage, alle Holzqualitäten und Güteklassen zu verarbeiten. Grundlegend dafür ist die Produktvielfalt und die weltweite Vermarktung der Produkte.
Alle Dimensionen

Alle Dimensionen

Von lang bis kurz über dick und dünn

Alle Dimensionen

ante verfügt über Kurzholz-, Langholz- und Zaunholzanlagen. Starke Erdstammstücken mit einem Durchmesser bis zu einem Meter schneiden wir auf einer speziell dimensionierten Starkholzlinie ein. Somit ist gewährleistet, dass jedes geerntete Sortiment verarbeitet wird.

Purchasing local forest road

At ante, timber is purchased local forest road in co-operation with forest owners, forestry offices and foresters. Our field staff are quickly on site and are in close contact with the sales staff and haulage companies.

Our logistics centre works with state-of-the-art IT. Thanks to our involvement in pilot projects for data transfer and timber logistics with the renowned Frauenhofer Institute, you benefit directly from fast and reliable timber transport.


Your advantages overview

  • We are a fully integrated sawmill. We process heavy timber, long timber, short timber and fence timber as required
  • We make the best out of all grades - from B/C to grade D, we produce the best possible wood product from every log, sometimes with the aid of X-rays
  • Co-operative and individual collaboration with the forestry office, foresters and forest owners
  • Timber acceptance on site together with the forestry office, forester or forest owner by our forestry-trained employees
  • Takeover of accumulating hardwood assortments
  • Fast removal. We guarantee wood removal within 14 days of acceptance
  • The factory measurement is carried out on calibrated and forestry-approved log sorting systems
  • Purchase in forest size by arrangement
  • To your advantage: modern IT structures and billing overviews
  • Collaboration in pilot projects to optimise the exchange of information in the forest-plant chain, logistics and stand-conserving forest management

Purchasing standing logs

Our forestry-trained employees take on all the tasks of timber harvesting for the forest owner, from felling to harvesting and removal, we guarantee reliable and responsible implementation of the timber harvesting measure.

In doing so, we attach great importance to soil and stand protection - regardless of whether highly mechanised or motorised manual timber harvesting systems are used.

After inspecting the forest area, our employees agree a customised felling concept with the forest owner. We market the non-sawable assortments for you.

Your advantages overview

  • Value-optimised retention of sawmill assortments
  • Long-standing cooperation with local, certified forestry service providers
  • Use of partially mechanised or highly mechanised timber harvesting systems
  • Co-operative and individual collaboration between our forestry-trained employees and the forestry office, foresters and forest owners
  • Optimised order processing from timber harvesting, acceptance and removal to fast payment
  • Handling the entire timber harvesting process - from planning to harvesting and removal.
  • Framework agreements for self-promotion


Please send us a message using our contact form. We will forward your enquiry to the right contact person straight away. And of course we will reply as quickly as possible.

Please calculate 4 plus 7.